Publications and Working Papers
Household Debt and Monetary Policy: Revealing the Cash-Flow Channel
The Economic Journal, 2021, 131(636), 1742-1771
(with Matilda Kilström, Josef Sigurdsson, and Roine Vestman)
Did Household Debt Matter in the Great Recession?
February 2014
Zip file with data and code for replication
A Note on Swedish Inflation and Inflation Expectations
September 2012
Blog post on Ekonomistas (in Swedish)
A Role Model for the Conduct of Fiscal Policy? Experiences from Sweden
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2013, 34, 177-197
[Longer working-paper version: CEPR Discussion Paper 9095, July 2012]
Inequality Trends in Sweden 1978-2004
Review of Economic Dynamics, 2010, 13, 179-208
[Older version: SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No 720, May 2009]
(with David Domeij)
Automatic Fiscal Stabilizers in Sweden 1998-2009
Studier i finanspolitik, 2009/2
[Also available as: SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No. 719, May 2009]
Vintage Capital and Expectations Driven Business Cycles
CEPR Discussion Paper 6113, February 2007
[Older version: SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No. 643, November 2006]
Why Are Capital Income Taxes So High?
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2009, 13(3), 279-304
appendix, matlab code
[Older versions:CEPR Discussion Paper 6366, June 2007SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No. 623, March 2006]
Fiscal Rules and Institutions: Introduction
Swedish Economic Policy Review, 2008, 15, 3-6
A Note on the Accuracy of Markov-Chain Approximations to Highly Persistent AR(1)-Processes
Economics Letters, June 2008, 99, 516-520
matlab code
When Is a Lower Exchange Rate Pass-Through Associated with Greater Exchange Rate Exposure?
Journal of International Money and Finance, February 2008, 27(1), 124-139 [journal doi]
(with Witness Simbanegavi and Fredrik Wilander)
Aggregate Savings When Individual Income Varies
Review of Economic Dynamics, January 2008, 11(1), 70-82, [journal doi]
appendix, computer code
[Older version: SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No. 591, March 2005]
State Dependent Pricing, Invoicing Currency, and Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Journal of International Economics, September 2006, 70(1), 178-196
(with Fredrik Wilander)
Population Aging and International Capital Flows
International Economic Review, August 2006, 47(3), 1013-1032, [journal doi]
(with David Domeij)
appendix, matlab code
Labor Supply and Saving under Uncertainty
Economic Journal, July 2006, 116, 721-737
matlab code
The Labor-Supply Elasticity and Borrowing Constraints: Why Estimates are Biased
Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2006, 9(2), 242-262
(with David Domeij)
matlab code
Public Saving and Policy Coordination in Aging Economies
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, September 2003, 105(3), 379-400
matlab code
[Reprinted in J. Creedy and R. Guest (eds.): New Developments in the Economics of Population Ageing, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007]
Debt Strategies for Sweden and Europe
In: T. Andersen and P. Molander (eds.): Alternatives for Welfare Policy, Cambridge University Press, 2003
long version
The Effectiveness of Government Debt and Transfers as Insurance
Journal of Monetary Economics, August 2001, 48(1), 81-108
matlab code
Idiosyncratic Risk in the U.S. and Sweden: Is there a Role for Government Insurance?
Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2001, 4(2), 406-437
(with Jesper Lindé)
computer code
Endogenous Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle
European Economic Review, 2000, Vol. 44 (8), 1409-1429
Essays on Dynamic Macroeconomics
Institute for International Economic Studies Monograph Series No. 38, PhD Thesis, Stockholm University, 1999
The Economics of Demographic Uncertainty, in J. Alho, S. Hougaard Jensen and J. Lassila (eds.): Uncertain Demographics and Fiscal Sustainability, Cambridge University Press, 2008
Old Non-Published Work
Job Creation, Job Destruction, and Firm Size, January 1997
The Time Inconsistency Problem of Monetary Policy under Alternative Supply Side Modeling, June 1996